Become an active part of the UDAY campaign 2024

This year, the UDAY campaign is back with a powerful new motto: “Your Journey.”

In 2024, we are putting the spotlight on individuals affected by urticaria who are sharing their personal stories of resilience and hope.

From the onset of the first symptoms, through the challenging process of finding the right doctor and treatment, to the ultimate goal of achieving a life free from symptoms, these journeys are a testament to the strength and perseverance of those living with urticaria. By highlighting these experiences, the UCARE UDAY campaign aims to raise awareness, provide support, and inspire all those who are on their own journey with this condition.

Join us as we celebrate the stories of triumph and the paths to wellness in the fight against urticaria.

You can support this campaign in various ways:

Raise Awareness – Follow us on Social Media:
Spread the word about UCARE UDAY by sharing campaign materials, mailings and Social Media posts using the hashtag #UDAYYourJourney, #UDAYmystory and #UDAY2024!

Get informed and spread the word with your likes, comments and shares of our stories and posts: Facebook UCARE 4U, Instagram UCARE 4U, TikTok UCARE 4U, YouTube GA²LEN UCARE and ACARE

Work with your local press to place an article about UDAY and its background. Find the press release here.

Organize or actively participate in UDAY Events:
Organize or actively participate in local events from mid-September to the end of October such as urticaria walks (find the toolkit here), informational sessions (lectures or webinars), open house or free consultation hours to raise awareness for urticaria. If you are planning a UDAY event, please share the details as soon as possible on our official UDAY 2024 website to have it included in our official event list and please share your activities on social channels. Tag us and we will share your UDAY event on our channels. An early notice allows for better opportunity to participate and be inspired.

You can add and find UDAY events on the UDAY website here

Encourage your patients to join UDAY celebrations
We invite you to encourage your patients to follow us on our Social Media Channels, to take part in UDAY events and to share their experiences with urticaria. Your support in guiding them through this process can make a significant impact. Patient stories can offer invaluable insights and foster a sense of community. Join us in raising awareness and understanding of urticaria by sharing your expertise and encouraging your patients to participate:

  • by becoming our interview partner for one of the 10 UDAY patient story videos (interested patients can reach out to us via
  • by sharing their self-made 1-minute video about their journey on social media using the hashtag #UDAYYourJourney, #UDAYmystory and #UDAY2024
  • tagging our corresponding Social Media account (see links above) so that we can reshare the content on our account.

By coming together and taking action, we can make a significant impact on the lives of those affected by urticaria and help pave the way toward a future where everyone can enjoy a symptom-free life.

You can use all UDAY resources and printable materials that we provide (find here):

  • Print data for Posters
  • Print data for T-Shirts
  • Videos
  • Adaptable press releases
  • Urticaria walk toolkit
  • Social Media Kit

Spread the word, get involved and make UDAY 2024 memorable!
Explore our new website and get more information about UDAY 2024:

We are looking forward to your participation.

Your UDAY Team
