Responsible for the contents of these pages according to §5 Telemediengesetz:
urticaria network e.V.
Schönhauser Allee 163
10435 Berlin
UNEV Board
Prof. Dr. med. Petra Staubach-Renz (+) (1st Chairperson)
Dr. med. Marina Gorczyza (-) (2nd Chairperson)
PD Dr. med. Frank Siebenhaar (*) (Treasurer)
Dr. med. Birgit Keßler (-) (Secretary)
(*) Urticaria consultation Berlin
(+) Urticaria consultation Mainz
(-) Dermatologist in private practice
UNEV bank account
IBAN: DE49 3006 0601 0007 8691 77
Account holder: urticaria network e.V.
Phone: +49 159 04868883
This website contains content protected by copyright, the reproduction and further use of which requires the prior consent of the urticaria network e.V. or the respective copyright holder.
Picture credits
Homepage: Key Visual teilweise designed by pch.vector / Freepik
Site „History“: Hippocrates, Hippokratous panton ton iatron, edit, CC0 1.0
Site „What are the different forms of urticaria?“: Key Visual teilweise designed by pch.vector / Freepik